
12 tips to make Google happy with your web site

There’s much more to SEO these days than just flooding your web site’s pages with keywords. In fact, Google now frowns upon that very practice and it can be more damaging than beneficial.
You need to make sure that Google is your web site’s “friend” and here are 12 tips to set you on the right path from the word “GO”.
  1. A site with good, real, unique content
  2. A site with one keyword or term per page
  3. A site that has good, relevant titles and descriptions
  4. A site with good internal and external linking
  5. A site with good structure (navigation structure)
  6. A site that’s secure
  7. A site that’s registered with all the Google tools (analytics, search console, Google my business listing)
  8. A site that doesn’t take forever to load
  9. A site that’s “alive” and is being updated and added onto
  10. A site that’s bringing in GOOD traffic (real people, not bots or crap paid traffic)
  11. A site that gets engagement (comments and long views)
  12. A site that gets referred and linked back to